Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



Empathy across lines

Miami University professor Hillel Gray knows that empathizing with others who hold opposing views can be frustrating. Gray aims to close this gap by teaching his students firsthand how to empathize with some of the most controversial groups in the nation.  Empathy and the Religious “Enemy” is an ongoing fieldwork project led by Gray. Students participating in this project have had the opportunity to interview members of the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) and the Neturei Karta, an Orthodox, anti-zionist Jewish group since 2017.


Sexual assault reports increase this semester

More Miami University students have reported being sexually assaulted in the last three months than in any other semester in recent history. The number of students reporting sexual assaults and choosing to follow through with the university’s complaint process through Miami’s community standards office has also increased this semester.  Since the beginning of the school year, Miami and Oxford police have received 40 sexual assault reports.

The Miami University Fighters Guild gathers in Benton Hall every other Saturday night for casual gaming.

Fighters Guild provides community for gamers

Walking around Miami University’s campus on Saturday night, most buildings are closed. But Benton Hall remains well-lit and open. Visitors that walk inside the building from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. will be greeted with chatter coming from room 100 just to the left of the entrance. 

Former Ohio governor John Kasich talked about the impact an ordinary citizen can have at his lecture on the Hamilton campus.

Kasich talks civility at regional campus

Former Ohio Governor John Kasich may have run as a Republican, but that isn’t the main way he chooses to identify himself.  “I’m an American more than anything else,” he said in an interview with The Miami Student. “I want to be respectful to people who are in the Republican Party; it’s my vehicle, but it has never been my master.”


Miami wins award for internationalization

Miami University President Greg Crawford and other faculty members traveled to Washington D.C. to receive the 2019 Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization on Thursday, Nov. 21.  Miami was one of five institutions that won the award back in March 2019. The award was in the comprehensive category, which recognizes schools who use an “integrative approach” to internationalizing their campuses. 

Party culture combined with a pressure to maintain a certain image worsen eating disorders at Miami.

Maintaining the ‘Miami image’: The reality of disordered eating at a party school

With the spread of unattainable body ideals across social media, there has been a rise in disordered eating behavior among college-age people. Miami students are feeling the impact, especially at an intersection with the university’s reputation as a party school. “I do think the label and the celebration of [disordered eating] is more common now,” Ward said, explaining that Miami has had the reputation of a party school as long as she has been teaching at the university.

Spectrum and the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion held a candlelight vigil to remember the lives of the at least 28 transgender people killed in 2019.

Students hold vigil to remember trans lives lost

Students circled around the seal, the candles in their hands illuminating their faces against the dark November night. The mood was somber, some people looking at the ground and others hugging their friends in acknowledgment of those they gathered to remember.  Spectrum and the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion co-sponsored a candlelight vigil for Transgender Day of Remembrance on Wednesday, Nov. 20. 

The term 'public ivy' originated in 1985.

‘People think that it’s a weird thing to flex on:’ What does it mean to be a public ivy?

At Miami University, students see “public ivy” plastered around the campus — on water bottles, in the Shriver Center and even on posters in the bathroom. High school students see the term in the red and white Miami brochures that flood their mailboxes during recruiting season. “Public ivy” might be oddly enticing — but what does it mean? Does the meaning change once students are enrolled?