Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies


Miami is set issue tens of millions of dollars in refunds to students in light of the novel coronavirus.

Refunds to cost Miami tens of millions of dollars

Miami University will be forced to spend tens of millions of dollars on refunds for housing, meal plans and study abroad programs due to campus closures caused by the spread of novel coronavirus, according to an email sent to the faculty from Provost Jason Osborne on March 19.


Miami University announces extensions for alternative grading options

Miami University’s Division of Student Life announced several policy changes and extended deadlines regarding course credit options on its Instagram story Wednesday.  Students are now able to take a grade of incomplete — “IU” for all undergraduate courses and “IG” for all graduate level courses — at any time during the spring 2020 semester. The deadlines to withdraw from undergraduate classes and the deadline to elect for a credit/no credit grading option were also moved to April 17. This is a change from the original February deadline.


Farmer School of Business announces new dean

Miami University announced the selection of Jenny Darroch as the new dean of the Farmer School of Business (FSB) on March 18. Darroch, the former dean of the graduate school of management at Claremont Graduate University, was selected from four finalists who came to campus in February to be interviewed by FSB’s search committee and meet with members of the Miami community. 

University administrators are still unsure when Miami professors will receive their COVID-19 vaccines.

Miami University freezes hiring as pandemic affects finances

On March 19, Jason Osborne, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, released a statement that Miami University would immediately freeze hiring for non-essential faculty and staff. New hires now require special approval from either Osborne or David Creamer, treasurer and vice president for finance and business services.

Governor Mike DeWine enacted a state-wide stay-at-home order at Sunday's press conference. The order goes into effect at 11:59 p.m. on Monday.

DeWine announces state-wide stay-at-home order

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced a state-wide stay-at-home order which will go into effect at 11:59 p.m. Monday night and end on April 6. The new order comes after DeWine’s multiple attempts over the past week to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus through other executive orders such as the closure of restaurants and bars and banning gatherings of more than 50 people. 


Miami classes move online; students asked to leave campus

Miami University will conduct classes online through the end of spring semester and is asking students to leave campus promptly.  The news came just hours after the University of Cincinnati Health Center confirmed four cases of novel coronavirus in Butler County on Friday and hours before President Donald Trump officially declared a state of national emergency throughout the U.S.  As of Monday, March 16, there were six confirmed cases in Butler County, none of which are in Oxford. 


Underclassmen prepare to leave campus

On Friday, March 13, Miami University President Greg Crawford sent an email to the student body informing them that a return to face-to-face instruction would not be possible this semester.  This announcement displaced many students in dorms, who were initially urged to move out by March 27. In an updated email from Dean of Students Kimberly Moore, students were informed that residence halls would close a week sooner, on March 21. Students may only stay on campus if absolutely necessary. 


One year later: Delts hazing survivor tells his story

Laura Perino awoke to a barrage of text messages on Sunday, March 17, 2019 — one year ago today. The messages were from her son Tyler’s girlfriend. As her eyes began to focus on the bright screen, words began jumping out in her mind: hospital, police, he’s okay.  A feeling of panic washed over her. She would later find out that her son was hospitalized with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.231 — three times over the legal limit — after being violently assaulted at his fraternity’s big/little brother reveal event.


Coronavirus works hard, but Miami students play harder

As soon as Miami University President Greg Crawford’s email was sent out detailing Miami’s plan to switch to remote learning until April 12 (now the rest of the semester), students started to celebrate. Bars opened, house parties began and Uptown liquor stores had lines wrapped around the aisles. 


What now? Students regroup after U.S. presidential candidates drop out

Leading up to the presidential primary elections on March 3, known as Super Tuesday, a few Miami University students scrambled to figure out who they would support. These students had previously worked on campaigns for Democratic candidates that have since dropped out, such as Pete Buttigieg and Senator Elizabeth Warren. Now, they have had to regroup and decide where their support lies.


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