Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Tim Carlin

Tim Carlin is The Miami Student’s editor-in-chief. Tim, a senior studying journalism and American studies, joined The Student during his first week at Miami and has been writing for the publication ever since. 

He’s written everything from news, to sports, to opinion during his three years at The Student. He’s beyond excited to take on this new role, and he can’t wait to continue delivering quality journalism to the Miami and Oxford community. 

This summer, Tim had the opportunity to intern at Ohio's largest newspaper, The Columbus Dispatch. He honed his reporting and writing skills while working with some of Ohio's best journalists and learned leaderships skills he hopes to apply this year. 

When he’s not working on anything newspaper related, you can find Tim at Starbucks, or watching Sex and the City reruns. 

You can contact him by email ( or on Twitter (@timcarlin_).

Pop Culture Convos - Nicki Minaj vs. The Barbs

"Nicki Minaj vs. The Barbs" is the 8th episode of The Miami Student's entertainment podcast, Pop Culture Convos. This week on Pop Culture Convos, our Editor-in-Chief Tim Carlin and Entertainment Editor David Kwiatkowski have a candid conversation about being devout Nicki Minaj fans while also realizing the implications of her controversies. 
