Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



Zoom camera option impacts classroom experience

 Zoom has been a major resource and tool that professors utilize for classes and to connect with students. But one factor within the video conferencing platform has altered the way Miami professors look at teaching — students’ cameras.  


What is herd immunity, and what would it mean at Miami?

More than 1,500 Miami students have tested positive for COVID-19 since Aug. 17 — nearly 10% of the total student population. As infections continue to rise, many students have joked about getting infected intentionally in the name of herd immunity. But for the health professionals informing Miami’s response to the pandemic, this trend has dangerous implications for the Oxford community.

For the past several presidential election cycles, Oxford has been a blue city surrounded by a sea of red.

Blue city, red county

Though Miami University carries a reputation of being relatively conservative, Oxford has been a small blue bubble in an overwhelmingly red county for the past several elections.

President Greg Crawford gave his annual State of the University address on Sept. 30 to give updates on topics spanning from COVID-19 to Sam Bachman being drafted by the Los Angeles Angels.

What does “the video” mean for Miami’s reputation?

These past two weeks have proven to be quite eventful for Miami University.  Underclassmen began to move into dorms Sept. 14, and simultaneously, the viral video of a police officer confronting a student having a house party while positive for COVID-19 made headlines from news sources ranging from TMZ to The Washington Post.

First time and experienced voters share similar concerns about the upcoming presidental election.

Oxford preparing for unprecedented election

In the face of a pandemic, the Butler County Board of Elections and local political organizations have both been working to allow Oxford residents to vote as safely and efficiently as possible this coming November.