Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Shr-Hua Moore

Shr-Hua Moore is a sophomore and a townie from Oxford, Ohio, majoring in English literature and political science. 

He joined TMS the first semester of his freshman year looking for a way to write. He’s written an article for the paper more or less weekly ever since. 

He was happily surprised to be picked for the editorial staff this semester as an Asst. Campus & Community Editor. He enjoys writing about social justice issues on campus as well as any businesses or people that warrant stories about them. 

When he’s not writing articles, he’s usually playing a decent amount of video games and way too much chess. 

Some of his favorite memories at Miami so far are the nightly walks he’s taken with friends and the remarkable amount of buildings unlocked after 2 a.m. 

He’s probably going to law school after college, but there are still three years for that to get decided.

“In a bit of a rut right now”: Students struggle to find computer science jobs

 In high school, many students were told that becoming a computer science major was a path that guaranteed a six-figure salary straight out of undergrad. Computer science was seen as a field with explosive job growth — the perfect blend of job security and benefits. For Bricen Raynold, a senior computer science major at Miami University, that path is looking more like a pipe dream.

While the library is frequently full of students studying or doing homework, it is rare to find one browsing through the book aisles.

King library has a lot of books, but are students reading them?

On any given day, someone can wander into Miami University’s King Library to find students getting a snack at King Café, using the Makerspace on the third floor or resting before their next class. During midterms or finals week, it seems like every table has a student memorizing amino acids or writing a five-page paper.

In 2021, Miami students held a candlelight vigil after shootings across the country targeted Asian Americans. In 2023, these shootings haven't stopped.

California shootings leave students shocked yet determined

Janna Maddox is a senior at Miami majoring in human capital management & leadership and entrepreneurship as well as the president of Miami’s Asian American Association (AAA). She said she was devastated by the Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay shootings, which targeted primarily Asian Americans and happened around a time of celebration for many Asian cultures.
