Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



The Bee's Knees: The Prohibition-era classic cocktail

When the phrase "the bee's knees" was coined -- more than a century before this cocktail's invention -- it referred to something small or insignificant. By the 1920s, however, the phase joined the company of several other zoological expressions meaning "the best" (see also: the cat's pajamas, the eel's ankle, the capybara's spats).


Market Uptown brings groceries to students

Fridge and Pantry, a new Uptown market, will open its doors in January. Both a deli and a grocery, the new business also boasts additional amenities including a smoothie and growler bar.


The Promised Land: freshmen journey to walmart

It wasn't until Nick Klinkenbergh and Nathan Connor had walked all the way through the crisp fall night to the bus stop that they realized they didn't know if the bus was even coming.


A night of celebrating culture with okonomiyaki

Would-be studiers looked on in awe last Friday as the Armstrong Community Kitchen was taken over by a gaggle of motivated Miamians -- chopping cabbage, slicing shrimp and whisking batter in a flurry of culinary activity.


Pumpkin Palooza: A taste test of pumpkin spice treats and eats

It invades our lives every autumn. As a chill enters the air and the leaves turn vibrant red and golden brown, it creeps into our grocery stores, pops up unannounced in the most obscure aisles of our local Walmarts, inserts itself insidiously into every corner of society until it can't be escaped, no matter how hard one might try.


Wing-Eating contest for a cause

In the open space of Armstrong's East wing, Delta Tau Delta members had set up 12 tables with two plastic plates, two red solo cups and a small stack of napkins each. A table in the middle held the main feature of the event: two metal serving dishes full of hot wings.