Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies


Many professors must balance their responsibilities as educators and parents as they transition to remote learning.

Professors with kids

Each day’s rhythm remains consistent. The day begins with morning meetings for Oliver’s preschool class, then each parent either works with him or prepares for their own classes. There’s a more relaxed lunch period to cook meals together, then some self-designated quiet time, so Legg and Strantz can get work done while Oliver is occupied with a book or iPad.


Dealing with the cards you're dealt

  While quarantined, many students have taken to their Instagram stories, posting bingo cards, motivational quotes and songs they’re listening to. Junior marketing and entrepreneurship major Sam Christie had a different idea.  A lover of all sorts of games, Christie started having regular game nights with his friends earlier this semester. When he had to go back to his hometown of Brentwood, Tennessee, he was disappointed he wouldn’t be able to continue the game nights, especially the one he had planned for his birthday.

Residence halls implement new COVID-19 color coding system to track the spread of the virus.

Students struggle to retrieve items left in dorms

Following the amended announcement, students had who already left campus were told not to return to campus to retrieve their items until first contacting their dorm’s Resident Director (RD). With the stay-at-home order for Ohioans extended to May 1, students will not be permitted to return to campus to get their belongings at this time, Director of Residence Life Vicka Bell-Robinson said.


“OxVegas forever” group chat buoys 150+ students through quarantine

  Four days after classes went online, an unofficial Miami GroupMe chat with 156 members and counting was born.  Junior Jannie Kamara started the chat on March 17, a day before she was elected president of Associated Student Government (ASG). Since then, the “OxVegas forever” chat, with its daily barrage of messages, has served as a source of support and entertainment for its members.


‘All my motivation has disappeared’

When Miami University President Greg Crawford decided to move classes online for the rest of the semester on March 13, the Miami community was thrown into a state of uncertainty. Because the current situation is unprecedented, both students and faculty have had to navigate the world of online learning on their own. Needless to say, the transition has been easier for some than others.

Since students have left Oxford due to threats of the novel coronavirus, Miami University's campus has been extremely quiet.

‘It’s like 3 a.m. Oxford’

Miami University President Greg Crawford sent out a university-wide email announcing the decision to move all face-to-face instruction online for the rest of the spring semester on Friday, March 13, due to the threat of the novel coronavirus. Three days later, Dean of Students Kimberly Moore sent out an email with the message, “We strongly urge you to promptly leave campus while you are able to do so.” 


Students and rental agencies struggle as tenants leave Oxford

The streets of Oxford are quiet. Uptown no longer bustles on Friday nights. High Street businesses that stay open late are closing earlier and, in some cases, closing up shop all together until Governor Mike DeWine’s stay-at-home order is lifted. But still, some Miami University upperclassmen remain in Oxford, living in the homes they rented through the end of the semester. For students living in apartment complexes, the stay-at-home order means restricted access to amenities they’ve already paid for.


Surviving a pandemic in the pre-Zoom era

Current Miami University students have faced a variety of struggles due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, such as switching to online classes and having to say goodbye to their friends and return home. But today’s students aren’t the first to live through a pandemic. There have been four influenza pandemics since the beginning of the 20th century — the most deadly being the Spanish flu of 1918.

Miami has rescheduled graduation weekend for early September, but seniors are still sad that their last year at Miami has come to an anti-climactic close.

‘My college experience is over’

Oxford is normally quiet without Miami University students on campus. But this time, it’s different.  The small college town usually simmers into a lull once students leave for both winter break and summer vacation. But with classes being moved online for the rest of the semester and Governor Mike DeWine’s stay-at-home order, many students decided to leave Oxford to be with family. For seniors, though, this decision meant walking away from the place they’ve called home for the last four years.

“How do you tell an employee that’s been with you for years … I don’t need a housekeeper?”

‘You have to laugh or I would be crying’: Coronavirus devastates Oxford businesses, City proposes stimulus program

In Oxford, local owners and managers struggle to keep their businesses afloat while city officials scramble to pass a stimulus grant proposal into law. The college town, which depends on revenue from the Miami University student body — most of whom have left campus, hopes to avoid the worst of the virus’ economic consequences.  But at this point, it’s unclear if it will. 


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