Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



In the blink of an eye

  In the moment, the days feel long and the weeks are stretched, but when we reminisce, it is as if time can’t seem to slow down. Unbeknownst to my first-year self, the next four years would fly by. 


Is ignorance bliss or is being naive bliss?

I could not wrap my head around the fact of how I said ‘bye’ and ‘see you soon’ so casually, because how could something so tragic, ugly and horrible happen? But, car accidents as a result of drunk driving occur with greater frequency than commonly perceived.

During their time at The Miami Student, Reagan Rude and Alice Momany ran the Campus and Community section together. Like clockwork.

Cold-blooded econ major joins student paper; gets sentimental

If you didn't know, The Miami Student distributes its own papers. That means one or two of us spend our Fridays lugging 2,000 copies to newsstands all around campus and Oxford. When I first became an assistant editor and found this out I thought: These journalism freaks are insane. Think about the opportunity cost! How would that be utility-maximizing?

Abbey Elizondo, smiling as widely and glowingly as ever, stands in London at a train station.

2,103,840 minutes in Oxford

My first thought: That number has to be wrong. My second thought: How would I know where I want to go to college yet? I was only 16 years old. And yet here I am, 22 years old, about to graduate with two degrees and 2,103,840 minutes of memories at a university two hours away from home and everything I knew. 

Macey Chamberlin looks intently on one of our news spreads on one of The Student’s production nights.

Hello, goodbye and thank you

I recognized the name from the newspapers we’d been plastering on the ceiling of our room out of sheer boredom. Being a pre-communication design student myself, and Alice a journalism student, we thought we might as well find out more. Flash forward a year and four months later, and I stepped into my position as design editor. 

Jake Ruffer stands dumbfounded that the fan found its way atop our EIC’s desk. It should NOT be there.

I had fun taking pictures of you all

You may have seen me. I’ve been out there a lot — random places, holding a camera. I promise I was working on stuff. Journalism stuff. News. Maybe sometimes I was messing around for art class or because I felt like it. But, like, usually it was work. 

Claudia Erne sports a huge smile during one of The Student’s production nights.

Let go of expectations and challenge yourself

At the start of my junior year, I was casually skimming the weekly newsletter from the Department of Media, Journalism & Film in my inbox and saw that The Miami Student was seeking a new social media manager. I hadn’t heard much about The Student but quickly took to the internet to learn more about the organization.

Jack Schmelzinger stands in front of The New York Times building. This guy wrote a book while in college. Damn.

Miami’s been very, very good to me

Before my first year at Miami University, I changed my major away from journalism. Thankfully, James Tobin, a journalism professor, somehow saw that, gave me a call and talked to me about the Miami journalism program. After we hung up, I went right back into the system and changed my major back. 


AI is a better employee than you

AI threatens your ability to get a job. Not simply because using AI to cheat may mean you lack valuable skills required for the workforce, but also because it can probably do your job better than you. 


Let’s start reading for pleasure again

I read constantly. Last year, I logged 36 books on my Goodreads. This year, I’m shooting for 40. As far back as first grade, I’ve always loved getting lost in a book. The feeling of spending my day lost in a whole different world, even if it was just for a few minutes at a time, was indescribable.