Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

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Miami students kick-off support for 2020 democratic primary campaigns

(02/04/20 10:00am)

Phones rang non-stop inside one of the Armstrong Student Center’s many study rooms. Students waited for the inevitable “hello” and began reading off the script in front of them. As the call came to a close, the Elizabeth Warren campaign supporters marked if they had the constituents’ support in the upcoming primaries. 

Nerf Wars cause community disruption

(01/28/20 10:00am)

The snow was still crisp as Oxford Police Department (OPD) Lieutenant Lara Fening was answering a call about an alleged trespassing on a local Oxford community member’s property. There were footprints on the resident’s upper and lower decks. When Fening looked closer, she noticed that the imprints were of bare feet. With two kids of her own in high school, she knew the culprit.