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University Senate changes department review process

Allison McGillivray, Campus Editor

Miami University Senate approved changes to the Academic Program Review and heard updates on the Miami 2020 Plan and the Regional Division Implementation Committee.

The Academic Program Review Committee (APRC) selects departments to review on a rotating basis.

Departments will now have to complete a study of things they have done in the past, what plan they would like to do in the future and how they expect to implement that plan. They will present these documents to their review team.

According to Jim Oris dean of the Graduate School and chair of APRC the changes to the Academic Program Review process will cause departments to focus on their future goals as opposed to their past performance.

"You are focused on what you are going to do in the future," Oris said. "You're not just focused on past performance. That's going to change the game a lot."

Oris is also the co-chair of Regional Division Implementation Committee. He provided Senate with an update on the process of making the regional campuses an academic division.

Oris said the committee is working on developing a name for the division as well as focusing on how to establish curriculum, accreditation, promotion and tenure etc.

The Regional Division Implementation Committee will give their final report in January, according to Oris.

James Kiper, professor of computer science, and Phyllis Callahan, dean of the College of Arts and Science, gave a presentation on the Miami 2020 plan.

Kiper and Callahan discussed the some of the metrics that will be used to measure the success of the target goals determined by the Miami 2020 Coordinating Team.

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