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ASG passes On-Campus Organization Act

Victoria Slater, Senior Staff Writer

Robert Holzworth, chief of the Oxford Police Department met with the Associated Student Government (ASG) on Tuesday, to present the newly-drafted Mutual Assistance Agreement between the Oxford Police Department (OPD) and the Miami University Police Department (MUPD).

The manifesto has yielded concurrent powers to both the MUPD and the OPD in certain areas on and outside the university' campus. These areas include the "Square Mile," which is the area bordered by Chestnut Street, Locust Street, Sycamore Street and Patterson Avenue; State Rte 73; Tallawanda Street to the Miami University property limit and streets north of Sycamore Street. In essence, MUPD has been granted the same jurisdiction to patrol and issue citations or arrests in these areas as the OPD.

Holzworth said the objective of this measure is for the MUPD and the OPD to work together in a unified way to maintain the safety of Oxford residents.

"The [Mutual Assistance Agreement] is designed to increase manpower, and to make Oxford a safer place to live," he said.

Holzworth also discussed alcohol enforcement and said there is a tremendous amount of overconsumption at Miami. However, he stressed that during calls of medical help in relation to alcohol, citations rarely occur.

"No one should be afraid to call the police or ask for medical help," he said. "OPD is not trying to penalize a person in need of medical help, or do we want to penalize a person who calls for help on their behalf regardless of age or intoxication levels."

Later in the meeting, sophomore senator Lindsey Sukeena and senior Secretary for On-Campus Affairs Cole Tyman presented amendments to the On-Campus Organization Act, which was originally introduced to Senate Oct. 30.

The resolution nullified the bylaw that established the Library and Technologies, and the Environmental committees, and will instead place these boards under one general committee, now called the Campus Residence Alliance, which will be led by Tyman.

Tyman pointed out that the "On-Campus Organization" as identified in the original legislation, has now been changed to the "Campus Residence Alliance." He explained that the author and sponsors of the bill didn't think that the name OCO correctly encompassed the goals of the group. Because the organization targets on-campus residents, the Campus Residence Alliance seemed more appropriate.

Senior senator Calvin Davis accentuated the necessity and logic of the act.

"I personally feel that this bill is necessary," he said. "Since we have an off-campus organization, the Oxford Tenants Organization, it only seems logical that we have something similar for on campus."

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The On-Campus Organization Act passed by unanimous consent.

The meeting concluded with the tabling of the Off-Campus Food Specials and Delivery Bill, which was presented to Senate Nov. 6.

According to its author, senior senator Christian Cook, the bill will craft an online newsletter sent to students via email on a biannual bias that outlines daily and weekly specials of off-campus food establishments.

Senate determined the bill was too underdeveloped to be voted upon at this week's meeting, and the measure was tabled until next week.