Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Sarah Frosch

Eric Harrelson, preservation and conservation librarian with the Walter Havighurst Special Collections, is part of a team that assesses and repairs artifacts as they're collected.

PHOTOS: Walter E Havighurst Special Collections

Located on the third floor of King Library is the Walter Havighurst Special Collections library, home to anything from historical documents, sheet music, rare books and photography, to a lock of Abraham Lincoln’s hair.

Not all disabilities can be seen on the outside. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Sarah Frosch shares her experience at Miami.

Redefining my disability

I never thought that I would identify as disabled. As a society, we tend to avoid disability and push it off to the side. I’ve heard many say that disability is only for older people and leave it at that.
