Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies


Megan McConnell, a devoted member of The Student, is graduating Fall 2024.

The end of a chapter

I joined The Miami Student before I ever stepped foot on campus as a first-year. Before I ever moved out of my childhood bedroom into an empty dorm room across the country. Before I ever sat in my first classroom in McGuffey Hall for an introductory journalism course.

Fixing a flat tire is a rite of passage — even for journalists just trying to get some Skyline Chili.

How many journalists does it take to change a tire?

Cars are a lot like people: I don’t really understand them. When things are going fine with my car, it’s easy to coast along and tell myself I’m doing a good job, even if I’m not quite sure what’s going on under the hood. In fact, I like driving, and do it enough that I feel comfortable driving in pretty much any condition.

There are many ways to celebrate in the winter besides just Christmas and Hannukkah.

Stop calling it ‘Christmas break’

As December approaches, the holiday season dawns upon us, and many families prepare for massive feasts, yearly reunions and gift shopping. When we drive down our streets, we see houses lined with sparkling Christmas lights, pine trees and statues of old Saint Nick. But what about the people who don’t celebrate Christmas?

As a college student, many people don't enjoy the passage of time as much as they should.

Seasons change, and I’m ecstatic about it

As we shift out of fall and into the winter season, it’s made me reflect on my time here at Miami University. I’m ending my last fall semester and going into my last spring semester. I won’t say anything like “it goes by faster than you think” because as college students, we know that already. 

Not everybody's Thanksgiving are the same. Gina Roth's Thanksgiving often consists of 80 people.

80 people and pink stuff: A not-so-typical Thanksgiving

I never considered my mom’s side of the family, the Logans, as unconventional. I never thought  Thanksgiving with the Logans was strange.  When I was little, all I cared about at dinner was scarfing down pink stuff — a whipped cream, strawberry and jello concoction created in the depths of the Midwest — and playing Guitar Hero on my cousin’s PlayStation.

Harrison Hall is one of many Miami resources that students don't take advantage of.

Harrison Hall: A beacon of opportunity most students miss

When I first walked into Harrison Hall, the home of the political science department, I noticed two things. First, the cozy chairs and couches on the first floor proudly echo the lively conversations between professors and students in the hallways. Second, the gloomy atmosphere compliments a place that has endured history and therefore demands respect. 

Bulking, gym rat influencers have taken over Miami’s Rec Center.

Get Rec’t: Miami’s gym culture is pushing our facilities to the limit

“Have you seen Sam Sulek on campus at all?” If you don’t know who Sam Sulek is, he’s one of the biggest gym influencers on social media right now, and he may have had a class with you here at Miami University. That text I received got me thinking: why are there so many gym influencers at Miami? Is Miami transforming into a school for gym rats?

Trixie, Chloe Southard's ESA, is a delightful treat. But, a dog is a bigger responsibility than most people realize.

So you want a dog at college? Here’s what I’ve learned from a semester with my beagle

If you ever see me around campus, chances are I’m being accompanied by the cutest beagle puppy. That puppy would be Trixie, my emotional support animal (ESA). During my first two years here at Miami University, my mental health was quite a mess. After talking with my parents, doctor and adviser at Student Disability Services (SDS), I decided an ESA would benefit me immensely.

The American Dream is a long-standing ideal. But, does it have any meaning for our generation?

Waking up from the American dream

If hard work directly correlated with success, the exorbitantly wealthy would be seen paving roads or bussing tables. Why is it acceptable for an institution, let alone an entire nation, to condemn the hardest of its workers and justify it by hanging an unreachable dream above their heads?

We’ve come a long way when it comes to normalizing menstruation, but more can be done. We need period products in every building on campus.

We need better access to period products. Period.

With recent economic inflation making period products even more expensive for students, the university could significantly improve the lives of students by updating its period dispensal system — or even adding period supplies in all vending machines like residence halls do — in its academic buildings.


From the editor’s desk: Vote!

For students whose only goals at college are to get a degree, network and land a job after graduation, caring about local government may not seem worth it. Plenty of students go their entire academic careers at Miami without ever knowing who sits on Oxford City Council, and more than a few probably couldn’t tell you that the Talawanda School District exists. These institutions matter, though, to students as well as residents.


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