Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



Welcome to Miami’s April Fools’ prank army

Congratulations on being accepted into the Miami University’s Student April Fool’s Day Prank Army (MUSAFDPA). This year we’re looking for revenge on the Miami University Teacher’s Prank Militia (MUTPM) after suffering a crushing defeat. 


St. Patrick's Day as a Patrick

Imagine your wedding day, bachelor/bachelorette party, the birth of your first child, and winning the lottery all being on the same day. That is what it feels like to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day as a guy named Patrick. 


Student testimonials from J-Term

Have you ever thought about studying abroad during J-Term? You probably have because everyone who ever studies abroad in J-term posts multiple pictures of whatever European country they are visiting and they are incredibly keen on telling you about it. If you haven’t thought about it, read some of these testimonials and you’ll be abroad next January.


Best topics to bring up at Thanksgiving dinner

Thanksgiving meals can be incredibly boring. Holding a conversation with family members you didn’t even know you had is always incredibly difficult. But fortunately, I am here. These are the best topics to bring up at Thanksgiving dinner.