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Seasons change, and I’m ecstatic about it

As a college student, many people don't enjoy the passage of time as much as they should.
As a college student, many people don't enjoy the passage of time as much as they should.

As we shift out of fall and into the winter season, it’s made me reflect on my time here at Miami University. I’m ending my last fall semester and going into my last spring semester. I won’t say anything like “it goes by faster than you think” because as college students, we know that already. 

I’d rather talk about how excited I am to move with the changes. 

Winter break is a favorite of mine, and I hope to savor my last one. Spending time at home, cuddling with my cats and cooking my favorite meals with my family are just a few things I am looking forward to in the coming weeks. 

I also have a winter internship, giving me time to gain professional experience and make connections in my career industries of interest. Trust me, this was long-fought, so if you have yet to get an internship at any point in your college career — we’ve all been there. 

While these may not seem like big changes, they will be the last time I’m prepping for an upcoming semester. 

I don’t want to speak for all of the seniors who were here during the COVID-19 year, but I dreaded coming back to campus during the first two years with all the uncertainty and change on campus. Would we wear masks? Would I have any in-person classes? Would Miami require the vaccine? When would college life return back to “normal” for us? 

Now, I’m excited for the change rather than dreading the first few weeks of the semester. I can take some fun classes after finishing almost all of my required credits for my majors and minor. I can continue networking and begin to apply for jobs after graduation. I can savor my last few months with the friends I’ve made here at Miami before we have to say our last “goodbyes.”

But I’m also excited for my life to slow down after a busy and difficult semester. I live in a relatively small town where everything is local and within walking distance, but I can also drive 10 minutes to get to downtown Columbus. 

Old memories with friends from my high school will flood back into my mind and force me to follow trekked paths to their houses as if time stopped, waiting for our return home. 

The holiday season is a big reason people like to celebrate during winter break, but I want to tune out the marketing and consumerism for a bit. Instead, I would rather focus on my favorite holiday season traditions.

The best memories I have are watching holiday movies like the live-action “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and “Home Alone.” After watching it so many times as a kid, I have some of the scenes from The Grinch practically memorized. 

I can’t wait until I can see my grandma and take her out to lunch, or see my family at Christmas when we exchange gifts and smiles. I want to savor the time I have with my cats as well, knowing I’ll be the main human in the house after their long drought because my parents work all week. 

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These times are precious to me: times that feel less important in the summer months when everyone is on vacation or working their job or interning. 

If you’re worried about this winter term — whether you’re a senior, are taking classes or have a job — try and appreciate the time you have once you’re home or finally done with exams and projects. This time is meant for a break to bring balance back to your life. 

Abbey Elizondo is a senior double-majoring in professional and creative writing, with a minor in digital marketing. She has been with The Student for a little more than two years and is a senior staff writer.

