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Sean Scott elected Editor-in-Chief of The Miami Student

Sean Scott, a current Campus & Community Editor, was elected the next editor-in-chief of The Miami Student.
Sean Scott, a current Campus & Community Editor, was elected the next editor-in-chief of The Miami Student.

Sean Scott, junior journalism and urban and regional planning double major, has been elected as the next Editor-in-Chief of The Miami Student.

Scott has been a constant presence at The Student since he first started writing his first year at Miami University. While at the paper, he has worked as a Campus & Community Editor as well as Entertainment Editor. He’s garnered more than 130 bylines – the most of any active member on staff. 

Among his goals for his tenure as Editor-in-Chief, Scott hopes to continue to foster an inclusive community at The Student. 

“I want [The Student] to be a very fun and open environment where everyone feels like they can come into the newsroom at any point and see other people and feel comfortable talking across the staff,” Scott said.

Another one of his goals is expanding multimedia sections like video, photography and audio in the paper. By focusing on multimedia elements, Scott believes he’ll be able to connect to a wider audience and tell stories in a new way.

For Scott, The Student is the voice for Oxford as one of the only publications in the area. 

“[The Student] is pretty essential to the community in the sense that we report on a lot of issues that I don’t think the broader student body or even faculty sometimes are aware of or that they aren’t fully informed of,” Scott said.

Fred Reeder Jr., the faculty adviser for The Student, has had Scott in class before. He hopes Scott will continue the work his predecessors have done. 

“I mean, there's no denying he's an extraordinarily talented journalist who is highly ethical … ” Reeder said. “And just his modeling of that will carry him a long way as leader.”

Current Editor-in-Chief Cosette Gunter-Stratton has known Scott for three years and was ecstatic to learn he had been elected.

“I know he has what it takes to lead this organization with intelligence, care and professionalism,” Gunter-Stratton said. 

For Scott, The Student has been a huge part of his life at Miami. He credits the organization with teaching him everything he knows as well as being where he’s met most of his friends on campus.

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“I think that looking back on my college experience 15 or 20 years from now,” Scott said, “it's going to be looking back at my experience at [The Student].”

