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United States Senate race

Overview of election 2012 results

Olivia Hnat and Hannah Stein, Community Editors Issue 2 Issue 2, Ohio's redistricting proposal, failed to receive a majority vote to pass. Just more than 63 percent of Ohio voters voted Issue 2 down, according to the Ohio Secretary of State election results. Ohio's redistricting process will not be amended and will continue to follow the process in Amendment XI of the Constitution of the State of Ohio. In a majority of Ohio counties, No on Issue 2 received over 70 percent of the popular vote. In Butler County, No on Issue 2 received 69.4 percent of the popular vote, according to the Secretary of State election results. The League of Women Voters in Ohio supported Issue 2 and worked with the campaign to help pass the ballot initiative. Stephen Dana, the chair of Government Affairs for the League of Women Voters of Oxford, said that redistricting remains a concern for the state. "Opponents picked apart the proposal of a citizens commission but no one denied the gravity of the problems created by gerrymandering of congressional and state districts in Ohio," Dana said. United States Senate race Incumbent Senator Sherrod Brown (D) kept his United States Senate seat against challenger Josh Mandel (R). Brown won with a 5.31 percent lead of the popular vote. Brown won larger population districts that also went to President Barack Obama, including Cuyahoga, Franklin, Hamilton, Lucas and Montgomery counties. Mandel received the majority vote in Butler County with a 21.94 percent difference over Brown, according to the Ohio Secretary of State election results. Ohio's 53rd House District race The Nov. 6 election for Ohio's 53rd House District seat resulted in a victory for Oxford resident Timothy Derickson (R), the incumbent, over challenger Suzi Rubin (D). According to the Butler County Board of Elections, Derickson received a majority vote of 60.91 percent, 27,797 votes, while Rubin received 39.09 percent, 17,836 votes. Derickson has held the seat in the Ohio State House of Representatives since 2009 and is a member of the agriculture and natural resources committee, education committee, insurance committee and finance and appropriations committee. He is the chairman of the agriculture and natural resources, a subcommittee of the finance and appropriations committee along with the chairman to the workforce development task force. His opponent, Rubin, has been on the city of Monroe's city council since 2004. Rubin said she is not sure she will run again. "This is a pretty Republican county and it's hard to get a democrat elected," Rubin said. "I've been knocking on doors since April... not much could have been done