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Niihka Community Event

Tech Tip | Say hello to Niihka

James Prempeh, IT Services Niihka, the new collaboration and learning environment is replacing Blackboard, What does that mean for you? Blackboard will no longer be available after August 31, 2011. If you have files in your Blackboard courses that you want to keep, they must be moved before Blackboard goes away. In anticipation of the switch, instructors are being trained and helped with transitioning their courses. For students and other users, here are some tips to help you prepare for the change. Students will need to go into Blackboard and download any content from a previous course (such as wiki posts, documents, images, etc.) that they would like to save before August 31. Students will also have to download any content they want to save from their Content System tab, including My Portfolios materials. If you would like to take a peek at Niihka, check it out at Owners of Blackboard Organization sites will be receiving information on what to do with their information in the near future. Niihka Community Event David Goodrum of Indiana University will speak about Sakai, the system on which Niihka is based, on April 20, at 4:30 pm at Upham Hall 001. Introducing Goodrum will be new Miami Provost, Dr. Bobby Gempesaw. About David Goodrum At Indiana University (IU), Goodrum is Director of Instructional Technology Systems and Services for University Information Technology Services. As chair of the functional requirements committee for IU's implementation of Sakai, he is instrumental in developing an enhancement and prioritization process driven by feedback from faculty, staff and students across multiple campuses. Goodrum is an active member of the Sakai community, most recently as a member of both the steering committee and user reference group for the Sakai Open Academic Environment. In the teaching and learning community, he has been a champion for the learning capabilities visioning process that produced the Design Lenses. He was selected last year as a Sakai Fellow.