Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Male attempts to climb into Miami airport tower

Police Beat (11/4/11)

Staff Male attempts to climb into Miami airport tower Around 2 a.m. Oct. 28, a female resident in the 1200 block of Tollgate called the Oxford Police Department because there was a male outside her apartment for awhile. The female told officers the man was either drunk or on drugs. The man was screaming the name Chris and trying to enter the house. When people told him Chris didn't live there, he still stood outside. The male then went into the woods calling the name Chris and then walked all the way to Community Park. The male then walked to the Miami University Airport continuing to yell Chris. Once the male got to the airport, he tried getting into the control tower, according to police reports. Miami University police met Oxford police and they identified the male as Miami University sophomore Denny Miller, 20. Miller said he was looking for his friend, Chris, and he had no idea where he was. Miller told police he thought he was at his friend's house. Officers smelled alcohol on his breath and he had slurred speech. Oxford police charged Miller with underage intoxication.