Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



Relying on social media for news is dangerous

When you leave the country, it’s a given that some things are going to be different, whether it’s politics, currency, language or food. But I did not realize being a few hundred miles from home in the same country, there could also be such stark differences. 


The purpose of liberal education in a tumultuous world

When I was 18, I sat in a crowded lecture hall at Ohio University, crammed on both sides by people I didn’t know, freaked out about how I was going to keep my head above water. I felt myself begin to panic as I stewed in the warmth of other people when a large man wearing a sweat-stained shirt walked into the room, banged a book onto the lectern and just began lecturing. 


Collecting signatures to end gerrymandering

Good government groups are active in Ohio again, and you might see some of them holding a  Citizens Not Politicians petition. The Citizens Not Politicians initiative is collecting signatures to bring reform to Ohio’s redistricting process.


Students need help and homework is the answer

Assignments, especially the reading and homework students are asked to complete, are the dread of many college students. No one jumps at the chance to read a 10-page PDF of Socrates’ writings or to complete three hours’ worth of online math equations a week. 


Embrace your childhood interests again

I’m 18 years old, and I still sleep with stuffed animals. I’m not embarrassed. I’m not ashamed to say I drift off to sleep every night accompanied by Winnie the Pooh and a brown bear wearing a Miami University shirt. As a kid, I tucked my plush friends under the covers and hugged them before falling asleep.

Boredom can be a productive fact of life rather than a failure to stimulate woth technology.

Being bored is overrated

Boredom: a feeling that comes and goes, but always manages to return. As young adults in college, we’re told that these will be the “best years of our lives,” and that we’ll dream about reliving these days the moment our feet leave the stage, hands clutching onto our degree.

Winter break can be a time for many to learn who they are, without the encumbrances of classes.

Borrowing her eyes to see myself: My winter break queer rediscovery

When I started high school in 2019, everyone saw the “gays and lesbians” as the new big thing in Macedonia. I recall a time when books and publishers were fetishizing the “new normal” plaguing us from the West and the U.S. There were bold movies normalizing gay romance, and protests were held for the first time. All of a sudden, the rainbow turned from a playful object in children’s books to the most controversial topic at dinner tables. 

Winter break is great for some and far too long for others.

J-Term gets a bad rap, and it shouldn’t

Miami University’s “J-term” this year was a three-and-a-half week term pushing the spring semester to Jan. 29. This means a long winter break for Miami students: six weeks in total. The break can sound daunting, but it’s extra time for students to work, travel, study or simply relax after a grueling fall semester.

Life is full of ups and downs, so don't let the bad moments be all-consuming.

To the class of 2024: Let life happen

College can be a time filled with great experiences, but also with difficult decisions and hard truths. Not everything works out. Friendships get tough. Getting a job is a miserable experience for many. As I enter my final semester here at Miami University, I’m reminding myself to be more present and realize that all the tough parts of these past four years have led me to where I am now.

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