Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

The Miami Student Holiday Wishlist

Sean and Luke, Editor-In-Chief and Digital Managing Editor - We want the data section to return and for the AP Stylebook to update its rules about numerals. And we want jobs. 

Alice, Print Managing Editor -  I want the AP Stylebook to adopt the Oxford comma (please, I’m begging). 

Reagan, Senior C&C Editor - For my family to stop asking me what I’m doing after college. I feel like Dustin Hoffman in “The Graduate” minus the affair with an older woman.

Taylor- C&C editor- I want the oxford comma to be banned from the English language.

Kasey- C&C Editor- I want The Miami Student to stop using my townieness against me.

Livi -  Asst. C&CEditor - To stop getting recognized solely for my podcast (I’ve done other cool things too)

Megan, Asst, C&C Editor - One more year with TMS

Reece, Entertainment Editor - For Hollywood to treat the people who make movies like people and not disposable pieces of meat. Also the Fortnite section.

Chloe - Asst. Entertainment Editor - For Sean to allow The Miami Student Fortnite section to come to fruition.

Jack, Sports Editor - Redacted for inappropriate content  Redacted for inappropriate content Redacted for inappropriate content Redacted for inappropriate content

Kethan - Asst. Sports Editor - to get my name pronounced correctly on the first try from people

Teddy and Patrick, Co-Humor Editors - To not be cut from print editions.

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Sam - GreenHawks Editor - I want snow. Screw you global warming

Devyn - Opinion Editor - breakfast skyline at more locations

Jake - Photo Editor - Unlimited film for my cameras

Sarah - Photo Editor- A new camera. I am begging, my girly is holding on for dear life.

Jessica, Photo Editor- For football players to stop trampling me when I’m photographing games.

Macey- Design Editor - Free Adobe Creative Cloud for life. I’m not making enough money after I graduate to be paying for this shit. 

Hannah - Asst. Design Editor - Please, more designers for next year so I’m not so lonely.

Erin - Asst. Design Editor - A new (refreshed) TMS production playlist

Kaitlin- Food Editor - more food writers 

Claudia - Social Media Manager - For X to change its name back to Twitter. The name Twitter is inherently superior.
