Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Local news is disappearing: We at TMS have a problem with that


Assistant Opinion Editor Devin Ankeney.
Assistant Opinion Editor Devin Ankeney.

Local news is disappearing.

In fact, for many of us, it may be all but gone from our lives. People get their news from big outlets like The New York Times or Fox or CNN now. Gone are the days of the local newspapers covering local issues. Today, sensationalized local stories only get coverage by major outlets — making us think local happenings are different than they truly are.

At The Miami Student, we’re working against that.

Here at The Student, we cover Miami University and Oxford. We do it for you. We do it so you can stay informed about important events in your community. We do it because, otherwise, there would be no source of news about the world in which we live.

While big headlines from The Times can be pretty glamorous and offer countless reasons to click, The Student prides itself on seeking the truth when it comes to the things closest to the people living right here.

For me, The Student has become the core way I can stay informed about my community. I’m not sure where I would be if there were no student newspapers covering important events, but I know I’d be worse off.

While local news isn’t always sexy, it’s important. Whether it’s malpractice by powerful people or even a simple restaurant opening, you deserve to know about it and how it will affect you.

Every day we work to provide you with the information you care about, the information you need to carry out your lives here at Miami and in Oxford. I promise, if you pick up a copy of the newspaper or click on our website, you won’t be disappointed with what you find.

In our first issue, we’re bringing you stories that highlight the first-years coming to campus. We’re reporting on important people to know about for your career at Miami. We’re covering environmental topics that show us how to best use our natural areas.

The news is here the first moment you step on campus. From your first day here to your last, we’ll be here to cover everything around you.

Local news is important because the people who work on it are just like you. We are students. We’re people trying to find ways to get through our lives and do work we love for people we care about. 

We’re college kids who just want to figure out how to make it to tomorrow. 

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The Student offers a place for people to find themselves, whether they’re writing for us or simply reading what we publish. Whether you’re a first-year student here in Ohio for the first time or a tenured professor who’s been here for decades, our promise is this: We’ll bring you the information you deserve, and we’ll do so in a way you’ll be sure to enjoy.

If this is your first time on campus, I implore you to pick up a paper when you see a new edition and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and the website formerly known as Twitter to get all the latest updates, or click on our website each morning to see what’s happening. 

You deserve to be informed about the days and years that lie ahead of you. We’re doing the work to ensure that’s possible. Even The New York Times can’t succeed in keeping you informed about Oxford, Ohio.

So, to all of you RedHawks and Oxforders out there, I say this:

We’re asking you to trust us. We’ll be here for you as long as you’re here in this community and beyond. Have a suggestion? Tell us and we’ll do our best to make it happen. 

We work for you. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. We won’t stop working, reporting, talking to sources to keep you informed. And we’ll strive to never write clickbait that clogs much of the local news-sphere today.
