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Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving just a day away, here are a few tips for keeping the holiday eco-friendly.


Consider a Tinier Turkey – A common suggestion for having a more sustainable Thanksgiving is cutting the Turkey all together. If your family is not about to give up any Turkey Day traditions, consider buying a smaller turkey or individual turkey breasts to eliminate food waste.


Friend a Farmer – Check the local farmers market for your produce. If there is not a farmers market in your area consider asking a friend that has a garden. Exploring these possibilities will provide you with fresh, local, organic options. This is more sustainable than buying from a big agriculture business marketing an organic line. At the least, keep it in mind to grow your own fall veggies for next year!


Use Real Dishware – After working in the kitchen all day long one of the last things you want to do after the big dinner is to clean up. However, an easy way to eliminate waste is avoid buying disposable dishes. Have each person responsible for washing his or her own plate so there is not a pile-up. Or, consider forming a cleanup committee to tackle the dishes, whatever works best for your kitchen!


Take Back the Tap –It may be convenient to buy a case of water for the family, but a more environmentally friendly choice would be to stick with tap water. Approximately 1,500 plastic bottles end up in landfills or in the ocean every second. Save money, land and ocean space by sticking with tap water this year.


Collect for Others – Encourage your family members to bring any unopened cans they did not use. Collect the cans and take them to a local food bank. What you do not need to use could really help another family have a better holiday.


Compost – While preparing your Thanksgiving sides, save any non-meat scraps including produce, breadcrumbs and eggshells. Instead of tossing them in the trash make your own compost pile. Composting provides nutrient rich supplements to your garden. Check out composting benefits and starter tips before Thanksgiving Day.


Skip Black Friday - We live in a time and place where people are obsessed with consumption. This Friday skip the mall and extend the day of appreciation by staying home with family and friends. Instead of buying gifts, consider taking the day to craft holiday gifts form recycled or natural materials. If you are not big on crafting have a look at these eco-friendly product deals.

Photo License: Creative Commons
