Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Male returns to scene of crime with beer in car

Police Beat (01/29/13)

Staff Male loses fake license, finds officer with wallet Sunday around 1:47 a.m., an Oxford Police officer was eating at Skyline Chili when he observed a male eating at the counter. The male quickly paid and left, leaving his wallet behind on the counter. The officer, in an attempt to return the wallet, removed an Ohio driver license bearing the name Ryan Carballo. The officer ran the license to check for a local address and it was found to be fake, according to OPD. A Miami University student ID was also found bearing the very same picture but the very different name of first-year Brian Pennington, according to OPD. Pennington was later determined to be 19 years old, rather than 22, as stated on the fake license, according to OPD. Approximately ten minutes later, Pennington arrived in Skyline. He asked if a wallet belonging to Ryan Carballo had been found. Another officer in Skyline at the time said yes, and informed the initial officer the boy had returned. The officer entered Skyline, recognized the boy he had seen at the counter, and greeted him, saying, "Hi, Mr.