Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies



Miami needs to be clearer on alcohol violation consequences

The first weekend I was on campus this year I got a call from a friend saying that she wanted company because she had been drinking and her roommate had not moved in yet. I ran to her dorm, and when I saw how intoxicated she was, I panicked and ended up calling the Miami Police under the assumption that it would be considered a Good Samaritan call.


Las Vegas Massacre: We need to talk it out

The first thing I do when I wake up each morning is check my phone. Most days, I scroll through the usual memes on Twitter and open snaps from friends who unfortunately have to wake up much earlier than I do. However, waking up this Monday, I opened up one snap that sent a chill down my spine. "Holy shit, did you see what happened in Vegas"


Trump must stop crusade against NFL

Nothing is sacred in America anymore, not even sports, after President Donald Trump put the National Football League on blast this past weekend by calling the players who protest during the national anthem expletives and saying they should all be fired. The NFL responded with league-wide protests. Some teams locked arms, some teams knelt and a few teams even stayed off the field during the playing of the American national anthem. Even though Trump might have divided the nation with his comments, he united the NFL.


The left is wrong on NFL protests

Over the past week, a war of words has transpired between President Donald Trump and the National Football League regarding past player protests in which a select few had chosen to kneel during the playing of the national anthem in objection to perceived racial inequality in America. Since Trump's remarks last week, the issue has been developed into a national controversy. Please note: I use the phrase "been developed", as opposed to its passive form, "developed," to draw attention to the fact that there has been an active effort to propagate the issue, unsurprisingly, by proponents of the leftist agenda and their coveted media allies.


Miami's parking ticket fines excessively high

As a first year, I was using my dad's car on campus for the weekend and parked it in a lot behind Anderson Hall. I thought to myself - this lot hardly ever has cars in it, what's the worst that can happen? The next day, I noticed a parking ticket on my windshield. I kicked myself for being careless, admitted I was wrong and agreed it was right to pay the fine. What I did not think was right was the price of the fine.


To the Editor | Removal of political extremism is critical for country

While political differences are a constant and even valuable part of civic life, political extremism is an increasing and dangerous trend. Such extremism exists on both the left (e.g., Antifa-related violence at protests, attempts to prevent speakers such as Ann Coulter and Milo Yiannopoulos from talking on college campuses) and the right (e.g., the killing of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, voter suppression). This increased polarization is harmful as it divides our communities and makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to negotiate and solve our nation's challenges.

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