Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

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MUFD stuns with another successful show

(04/11/17 9:02am)

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Double-cast duo: Opera singers share same roles

(03/14/17 9:00am)

Senior Andrea Davies and junior Ali Rose Hotz are two different but equally talented singers. Yet, in Miami University Opera's last two shows, they have been double-cast in the same part, meaning they've shared the role but have had different performance nights. They both played Rose Maurrant in last year's "Street Scene" and Anne Egerman in last month's "A Little Night Music."

"Bridget Jones's Baby" Delivers Laughs, Dose of Nostalgia

(10/01/16 1:26pm)

"Bridget Jones's Baby" opens on the familiar scene of Bridget Jones (Renee Zellweger) sitting in her living room alone on her 43rd birthday, blowing out a single lopsided candle on a cupcake. "All By Myself" plays in the background, until she decides that's just too sad. She switches the music abruptly to "Jump Around," which she joyfully lip-syncs to while jumping around her apartment.