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How Miami students are destressing for finals

Miami students work at Armstrong Student Center, preparing for their various final exams in two weeks
Miami students work at Armstrong Student Center, preparing for their various final exams in two weeks

After Thanksgiving break, students return to colleges across the country, disappointed by the stressful weeks coming up. At Miami University, the phenomenon remains the same. The conclusion of the semester means finals, projects and countless hours in the library.

Another key aspect of finals week is stress relief. Without their usual outlets like ignoring homework, going out Uptown or enjoying the warm weather, Miami students need to get creative.

To see how students destress, The Miami Student went around campus polling Miami students on how they best destress for finals. These were some of the most common (and entertaining) answers.


The most common stress reliever among the group of polled students was exercise. For sophomore nursing major Grace Gaul, this is a highlight. First-years Ashley Carter and Ashlynn Rohem also like to go for runs.

“I like to run, that makes me feel better,” Rohem said.

Additionally, first-year Maddie Brake recommends going to the rec when it’s too cold outside to run. If that doesn’t work, she likes to hang out with friends.

Hanging out with friends

Spending time with friends is also a common way students deal with stress, especially during finals week. Jamie DeSalvo, a sophomore marketing major, said she likes to “take a break and go grab hot chocolate” with her friends.

Avery Corbett, a sophomore psychology major, emphasized the importance of hanging out with friends to take a break from schoolwork.

“I like hanging out with my friends, laughing, and then I feel like I can get back into it,” Corbett said.


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Harper Graves, a sophomore finance and accounting major, thinks sleep is the most important element of stress relief.

Alexa Quinn, a sophomore nursing major, also emphasized the importance of naps.

“I think taking naps is the best way to destress and relax,” Quinn said. 

Tuning out of schoolwork earlier

A key aspect of finals stress reduction is making sure students still take time for themselves. Abby Zimmermann, a sophomore nursing major, likes to do that before bed.

“I make sure to close all my electronics early, by 9:30 p.m., so that I can relax before I go to bed,” Zimmermann said.

Another approach is getting studying done ahead of time. Owen Burgess, a sophomore business economics major, says that he likes to get his work done early, because “if [he] gets [his] work done, then there is nothing to stress about.”


No matter the weather, sophomore economics major Dominic Sortor likes to relax by playing golf. 

“You can still play when it’s cold, you just have to have some heart,” Sortor said.

He also noted that he was out playing 18 holes over Thanksgiving break in Michigan.

Relaxing with therapy pets  

For sophomore Dani Benson, a sports management and fashion co-major, there’s only one real way to relax during a stressful period such as finals.

“I deal with my stress by hanging out with my therapy dog,” Benson said.

Student Counseling Services will offer dog therapy during finals week on Wednesday, Dec. 6, from 1-4 p.m. in Armstrong Student Center Pavilions A and B. 

Hallmark Movies 

Julianna Lopez, a sophomore engineering major, likes to take a more accessible approach to stress management.

“One way I destress is by watching Hallmark Christmas movies and eating snacks,” Lopez said.

Whatever your approach may be, here at The Student we are hoping that you too can find a way to relieve some stress, and are wishing you a successful end of the semester.
