Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Introducing myself, and the exciting future for GreenHawks

By Sam Norton

Hello to all loyal GreenHawks readers, writers, and anyone else reading this. Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Sam Norton, and I will be the new editor for GreenHawks Media! I am a sophomore biology major, with an environmental science co-major and journalism minor. I am a member of the honors college, will be pursuing an outdoor leadership certificate and have written opinion columns and magazine stories for The Miami Student. 

I come to you with very exciting news about the future of this great organization: GreenHawks will be merging with The Miami Student beginning in the fall semester of 2023!

GreenHawks has played a vital role in covering a range of environmental stories on campus, in Oxford, and beyond for the past 13 years. Fear not, our commitment to highlighting the importance of these issues will not disappear, nor will the incredible content that lives on this website.

Due to the unfortunate combination of our incredible faculty advisor Professor Annie-Laurie Blair retiring, and post-covid affecting the volume of content, it was decided between our current editor Morgan Schneider, Professor Blair, and I that the best way to keep GreenHawks afloat was to combine resources with The Miami Student.

On The Miami Student website, there will be an entirely new section titled “GreenHawks @ TMS” that will house access to past content, as well as new environmentally-related stories. There will be lots of collaboration between other sections of The Student, and the content will be featured online and in the bi-weekly print editions.

GreenHawks will continue to be involved in the sustainability scene on campus, keeping its place on the Student Sustainability Council by representing The Student and participating in EarthFest, and I hope to collaborate even more with green organizations on campus!

As the head of this section, I will ensure that the same content, from local environmental news, profiles on clubs and campus research, photojournalism, opinion pieces, and our favorite stories reflecting on a nice walk through the woods continue to have a place to be published.

It is extremely exciting to have access to the wide array of resources, readers and incredible minds that The Student offers while bringing an increasingly important issue to an established publication. With Miami making incredible strides in terms of sustainability on campus and an increasing amount of awareness among student organizations on sustainability, there is never a better time to share the importance of our message.

I encourage anyone interested in writing to please reach out to me, I would love to continue using voices that have previously written for GreenHawks as well as brand new voices! Though the new section will not be officially up and running until later this summer, getting some story ideas early is always best!

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This will be an exciting time, with much growth, change, and the ability to define how environmental issues are covered on Miami. I know that GreenHawks has a special place in the heart of its readers, and I will ensure that the heart and soul of the publication will not die during this merge. Rather, it will be amplified to a wider audience.

Finally, I want to thank Morgan and Professor Blair for their tremendous support and trust. You have both been incredibly kind and hardworking in spearheading this merge, and I would not be in this position without you! I also want to thank Sean Scott and Luke Macey for being so open to this merge and for working so hard with me to ensure it goes smoothly.

I will see you all in August, and I cannot wait to begin. Have a great summer!

Yours truly,

Sam Norton