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COVID Dashboard weekly update

<p>A weekly update of Miami University&#x27;s COVID case statistics. </p>

A weekly update of Miami University's COVID case statistics.

April 5

Miami University’s COVID-19 Dashboard listed 92 active cases as of April 1. Out of 517 daily tests performed, 10 new student cases were reported.

The seven day moving average new cases was 5.6.

No new employee cases were reported. The total estimated active employee cases was one.

As of April 4, there are no Level 4 advisory residence halls, which would indicate that at least one floor of the building has at least 5% positive residents in the last seven days.

Eleven out of 35 residence halls are Level 2 advisory, indicating that the hall has had at least one floor with one-two positive tests in the last seven days. All other halls are on a Level 1 advisory, which means no students have tested positive in those halls. 

Fifteen students are in isolation and 14 reside in quarantine, as of April 1. 

March 29

Miami University’s COVID-19 Dashboard reported 123 estimated active student cases and two active employee cases as of March 25.

Out of 196 daily tests performed, five new cases were measured as of March 25. The seven day moving average of positive cases sits at 7.6. 

Updated on March 28, 15 out of 35 residence halls were named Level 2 halls. Level 2 indicates that the hall has had at least one floor with 1-2 positive tests in the last seven days. Richard Hall is the only hall that is on a Level 4 advisory, indicating that at least one floor of the building has at least 5% positive residents in the last seven days. 

The remaining 19 residence halls are considered Level 1 advisory spaces, meaning these halls have had zero positive cases in the last seven days. 

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As of March 25, 21 students reside in isolation and 19 students are quarantined.

March 22

Miami University’s COVID-19 Dashboard reported 155 estimated active student cases and four active university employee cases as of March 21. 

In the week of March 10 to March 16, Miami University conducted 2,798 student tests and 454 employee tests. Out of these tests, 78 came back positive. The 7-day moving average new positive cases is 10.1 per day.

Four residence halls were given level 4 - remain-in-room - as of March 21.

Since August, 3,190 students have tested positive as well as 107 employees, out of 75,832 tests administered by the university.

As of March 21, 31 students have been in isolation while another 17 are in quarantines.

March 4

Miami University’s COVID-19 Dashboard lists an estimated 191 active student cases as of Thursday, March 4. There are an estimated six total active employee cases. 

On March 4, Miami conducted 675 tests and received 22 positive results.

While the seven-day moving average for recovered cases is four, the seven-day moving average for daily new positive tests is just less than 19. 

Estimated recovered student cases total 2,801, and cumulative positive cases total 2,992 since Aug. 17. 

Four out of 35 residence halls are on a level 4 advisory, meaning at least 5% of residents on one floor have tested positive in the last seven days. Nine halls remain on level 1, meaning they have had no positive cases in the past week.

Additionally, 56 students are in isolation on-campus with 21 in quarantine.
