Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Photos from Campus Climate Strike

Photos courtesy of staff photographers Holly Flaig, Gia Mariani & Maya Smith

The following photos were taken outside the President's residence at Lewis Place where Friday's climate strikers stood for enhanced campus sustainability commitments and international climate action. Friday marked a day of climate strikes all around the globe, with estimates from, a partner of the Global Climate Strike movement, tallying upwards of 4 million strike participants. To see the University Sustainability Committee's role in ongoing negotiations involving carbon neutrality and campus sustainability at Miami University, click here and scroll down to read the most recent recommendations.   Maya2Maya4Maya1Maya3Gia1Gia3Gia2Holly3Holly1Holly2

Photos 1-4 by Maya Smith, photos 5-7 by Gia Mariani & photos 8-10 by Holly Flaig
