Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Pi Kappa Alpha dismayed at hazing charge


The Miami University chapter (Delta Gamma) of Pi Kappa Alpha is extremely distraught to announce that our chapter has been suspended for a period of four years by the University's Judicial Board. Most disappointing about this sentence is that the primary reason given by the Director of Ethics and Student Conflict Resolution for our suspension is hazing.

The brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha feel very strongly in our unified position against hazing as a form of new member initiation. We have taken a strong stance against any form of hazing. We believe that there are many positive ways of initiating a new member, including education and integration into the brotherhood, that are a much more effective way of welcoming a new member, this without the negative effects that are residual with hazing. For this reason it is particularly disturbing to us to be accused of such behavior. The University's unilateral proclamation, based entirely on hearsay and conjecture and without benefit of due process, was handed down without any basis in fact.

While we disagree with this process and it's conclusion, we also respect the University's right to do so and will abide by the decision. We regret that all of the positive impact that the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity has had on Miami University and the City of Oxford as well as many area nonprofits over the 69 years we have been present on campus will not to be shared by incoming classes until this suspension is lifted.

We look forward to the day when the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity will rise again as an exemplary fraternity on the campus of Miami University and again take its place among the proud members of the Greek community.

Sam Flannery
