Established 1826 — Oldest College Newspaper West of the Alleghenies

Police Beat (09/16/2014)

Drop your plants!

At 2:15 a.m. on Friday, an officer observed a female student walking in the street toward him, holding a potted plant. When she saw the officer, she dropped the plant in the sidewalk area and began walking the other way. The officer detained the female, at which point she said, "My friend told me to do it," and told the officer she hated peer pressure. When the officer asked where the pot of fake plants came from, she replied that it came from "the Mexican restaurant" and pointed in the direction of Fiesta Charra. The officer issued the female a citation for theft and had the female carry the plant back to the restaurant, which she found difficult as the pot was broken and the plants and soil were falling out.


At 12:10 a.m. on Saturday, an officer responded to a report of a large party between Vine and Bishop streets. As he neared the party, he observed a large number of people exiting the party in his direction. One male student ran toward the officer with a can of Natural Light beer in his hand. When he saw the officer, the male dropped the can on the ground and told the officer, "What? What? I don't have anything." The officer gestured to the can on the ground, to which the male replied, "Okay, fine." The officer received the male's ID, which was a legitimate license from Ohio placing the male at only 20 years of age. The male asked the officer to please not report him, as he feared his parents would pull him out of school. The officer informed the male of his citations for Sales and Use by Underage Persons and Open Container: Public Place and told him that he would have to take care of the problem on his own as he was an adult.

Third time's a charm

At 9:12 p.m. on Friday, an officer stopped a car on the 200 block of S. Poplar St. to cite the driver for lack of headlights. When the officer asked to see the male student's driver's license, the male pulled out an Illinois license. Just before handing it to the officer, he paused and placed it in his other hand and pulled out a Connecticut license. The officer then asked to see the other license, at which point the male pulled out a third license. The male told the officer that he had originally lost his license and had a replacement made. The officer asked again to see the Illinois license, at which point the male handed it over and the officer ascertained that it was fake, while the Connecticut licenses were both legitimate. The officer cited the male for Certain Acts Prohibited for his possession of a fake ID.

Porch dweller

At 1:21 a.m. on Saturday, an officer responded to a house on S. Campus Ave. in report of an unwanted person. Upon arriving, the officer observed a 19-year-old male passed out on the front porch. The residents reported that the male did not live with them and they did not know him. The male smelled strongly of alcohol and had apparently urinated on himself. The officer attempted several times to awaken the male before he became successful. When the male finally was conscious, he was unsure of his location. The officer summoned the Life Squad and cited the male for Use by Underage Persons.
